Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Logging lots of miles

Last week I ran 15 miles, still logging in at least one mile every day. This week (Sunday) I began the week with what was supposed to be a 6 mile run with Yale and it turned into an almost 9 mile run, which shocked us both but was thoroughly enjoyable. Yale is terrific to run with. We stay together and talk, talk, talk... about everything. It makes the time go by. In addition, it was snowing and the longer we ran, the harder it snowed... it was beautiful and we both felt great. Monday's mile was easy and able to be outside. Today's mile didn't happen yet even though I usually run in the morning. Soooo cold outside. Only 15 degrees. It may be a treadmill mile later in the afternoon.

I have had off and on knee pain while running since this summer, and it has only gotten worse since the weather has turned so cold. Even when I am not running, I have experienced knee pain due to the cold. I recently tried different knee braces. The ones I like the best is a thin knee band that straps directly under the knee. I have one for both knees now and I find that it really helps.

I also run with calf sleeves (compression stockings) that I purchased at a running fair in West Palm. They are supposed to not only help keep your legs warm, but also improve blood circulation and blood flow, allowing runners to run longer and faster. In addition, they promise to offer support to the calf and shins, reducing the likelihood of shin splints. They are comfortable to wear and I like them. I have even worn them while running a mile on the treadmill.

I am excited to have logged in more than 70 consecutive days of running... certainly a first for me!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Treadmill time!

Well, it's true... I have had a few of my miles spent on the treadmill. It is shocking for me but the weather outside has been extra cold and slippery and when it takes more than ten minutes to get dressed for the outside run and just ten minutes to run a mile... it seems to make sense to simply throw on those shorts and running bra and hit the treadmill.

I did sneak an outdoors mile in yesterday morning... 19 degrees but the sun was shining and that's all it takes for me!

On December 5th I ran a 5k in Florida with Yale and Chuck ran it with Nobie. It was a beautiful cooler day for Florida... just perfect for a 3.1 mile run.

And so I keep running... mostly in the morning, once in awhile in the evening. I love when Yale or Chuck or Nobie join me. Eden hasn't joined me since the very first mile I ran making this one mile everyday for one year crazy commitment! Eden is training for another half marathon along with a friend.

I would love to run that half marathon too... still thinking about that one...

Monday, November 9, 2009

and 3.1 miles too!

On Saturday, November 7, Yale, Nobie, Chuck and I ran a 5k to benefit the work of CAFFA (Coalition of Adoption and Foster Family Agencies.) It was a beautiful, sunny day. Nobie was amazing. She ran the race in under 35 minutes... she never walked once! Yale took off on his own and ran ahead of us while Chuck and I stayed with Nobie. I will be honest, Nobie's pace was just fine with me!

So my one mile for Saturday ended up being a 5k... as much as I enjoyed that distance, I am going to stick with the one-milers and not push it as reaching my goal of one mile a day every day for one year is important to me.

I shared this "goal" with three non-family members last week. I guess it makes it all the more real... yikes!

I am truly enjoying my little daily run. I can walk 13 miles but at the end I don't want to throw up my arms and shout "yeah!" For some reason after a one-mile run, I feel like I am running through the finish line and all I can do is smile.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Still running...

Well, it's been 15 days and 15 miles... one day at at a time... so far all the miles have been outside :) my favorite way to go... and a few of them were in Florida!

Monday, October 19, 2009

I started yesterday...

Yesterday I ran one mile. Wow. It doesn't sound like much but it is for me.

My mission: to run one mile a day everyday for one year.

Can I do it? I have given myself projects before, personal and professional and without hesitation know that I can accomplish them. I am making this one public to force myself to at least try to accomplish this through any weather (there is always the treadmill), any mood (always my husband to help remind me this is an important goal for myself), and anything else that comes up!

It's 2:30 pm now and sitting with a sick child, but sometime before midnight I will need to get today's mile in.

Yesterday's mile came close to the end of a seven mile walk and was shared with my daughter Eden so it was a nice way to begin my year long project that way. Plus the sun was shining, though it was cold.

Why this project? I gave my staff a home work assignment a few weeks ago. Each week one of their names will be pulled and that person will "show or tell" their own special "thing" during our Tuesday morning staff meetings. I said to them:

Everyone has their own special “thing” whether it be an activity, an object or story. Outside of work,

bring to the next staff meeting your special “thing” to share with your co-workers. Be creative, think

of your passions, your five senses, and surprise us. Please do not share your ideas with your


All of a sudden I nervously realized, "What is my thing?!" A few years ago it was a given, it was running. Without a doubt running was my thing for over ten years. But after February 2007 that changed due to pain and other issues.

Though I continued to try to run for the last 2 years and 8 months (whose counting?) it has never been much more than 5 miles here and there and rarely that, sometimes 3 miles, sometimes no miles. Sometimes barely a walk. And so I have tried to supplement my "thing" which was really so much more than a thing, but rather a love, a passion, a religion for me... I have tried to replace it with walking, biking and even snow showing and as much as I do enjoy those other outside activities, it has not "yet" filled in the hole of missing the act of running, more so the long distance run. Though one mile a day everyday for one year won't fill the loss of long distance running, it will allow me a few moments (heck, quite a few minutes, since I am agonizingly slow now) to enjoy the run and clock in 365 miles ... eventually...
